Some people easily shut down themselves by following relaxing exercises instructions. To some others the mere fact of closing theirs eyes means more space and opportunity is provided for more and more different thoughts that come to knock their brain door or just climb up and get in through a forgotten open window. I definitely belong to this last group.
-Close you’re eyes. Breath deeply… Inhale deeply… Exhale… Concentrate in your breathing and deeply inhale… Slowly exhale... Let’s do it one more time… Now, let’s go to to that special moment. -I was told.
-Really? -My questioning voice replied.
-Ok. I will try my best, -I answered to me.
So, I closed my eyes and that memory immediately came as obediently as a good dog runs to his owner's call.
-Go away! -I harshly almost yelled.
-Ok, it seems is gone. Let’s try again. Let’s go to this special moment. – I tried to remind myself.
-Did you really chose not to think about me? -I heard again that whisper getting stronger with each word. I mentally opened my eyes and acidly said:
-You again? Please, I'm not going to uncover that already sealed hole. Of course you won’t steal my attention now! I am trying to bring a unique and special moment to my mind. So please, just let me finish my thought (or in this case, start it) and then maybe we´ll have time to share our past.
This seemed to work.
Back to my special moment I tried to take my whole spirit to that place. I forced my brain to remember every single detail. I looked around that place. I tried to see me there. I also try to see it through my eyes there…
-Why don´t we just finish our conversation and then you could pretend you really went to that special moment and write about it? -He asked bringing me back again with any effort at all.
-It seems I won’t get rid of you. -I resignedly answered. -Yes, let’s remember that.
Why are my thoughts always distracting me? Why all of them want to have the main role in one wiriting at the same time? Why is that uncontrollable obsession of showing up as much as they can getting more and more annoying? Sometimes this endless battle gets me so stressed. Whenever I come with an idea for a topic I decide to write about, all of a sudden, my thoughts start pressing me, intimidating me, and I have to admit, sometimes, silencing me.
So don’t try to help me with relaxing exercises. That doesn't really work. They don’t have enough power to shut up my thoughts. But of course, you could try them! Good Luck!!!
Dedicated to the trials, tribulations, and evolution of members of the National Writing Project's Summer Institute
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