By Hugo
The Sun comes up slowly on the Horizon
The colors are changing
It warms me
I can’t tell where the water ends and the sky begins
Everything is waking up now
The still water
The birds chirping
The trees majestic
The green grass rustling
The waves are calmly greeting
I can now notice the color of the sand, I’ve been feeling within my toes
The sun at its highest
And so is my spirit
Nature manifests and we are all part of it
We are all one
If indeed we are all one
Then you are me and I you
I see through your eyes
My heart beats through your chest
The Earth pulsates through all of us
That fly tapping at my head is just the Universe saying hello. Hello!
It uses us to speak and act
This is why I must tell you:
We all come from the same source
And together we must return
If we are all one, and part of the same;
Do we need to stand out?
I’m just an arm or leg of what comprises a whole
Does the knee need recognition over the feet?
When you see me, smile
That way I’ll know I’m part of it..Part of you...part of everything
Respecting you, is respecting myself
Serving you, is serving myself
I feel protected when I am with you
You guide me, so I let myself go
Thank you for realizing your oneness with me
I know I have a responsibility to stay well for you
You feed me your energy,
So please make sure to take care of yourself for me
For what you feel, I feel
I want to… whatever it is…
You already know the way in this brief journey
So I’ll just blindly hold your hand and go
Go where you take me
I’ll go blindly because I know that’s where I’m meant to be

Photo collage created by Christina
And all I know is my gratitude for your presence.