Molly Campbell
10 July 2017
10 July 2017
On the not-so-bright side:
Monday night.
Forgot to bring lunch today.
Drove 1.5 hours to Plymouth, and then again to get home. (Can you tell I like to sleep in my own bed?)
Need to write a blog post.
Need a 10 source annotated bibliography completed by the time I leave the house at 7 tomorrow morning. So far I’ve read one source.
The voice in my head that narrates my thoughts has started speaking in a Spanish accent, even having the gall to throw in a Spanish word here and there: doing the dishes when I got home was necessario. I don’t know Spanish.
It’s only been two years, but I’m not sure I’m used to being a college student anymore. I wonder if my students feel this exhausted at the end of each day.

On the bright side:
I’ve written more in the last two weeks than I have in the last two years.
I used the word “binary” today.
I remembered phthalo green.
I feel like my brain just turned back on after a two year hibernation.
I thought about language and technology and how the ways in which we write are constantly changing.
I thought about what it means to be an American.
The voices in my head are speaking in a Spanish accent, and that’s pretty cool for a girl from the North Country. It’s amazing to be able to learn from and along with people who are so different, yet to find that we have so much in common.
Everyone is nice, even when I'm shy.
I ate cherries today. I never think to buy cherries.
I ran around town at lunch and got to compare porches.
I got to listen to the writing of some incredible teachers/authors.
I wrote poetry.
Last week I got to wander around Plymouth and reminisce in writing.
I get to be a college student again, but a little more than that, too.
All in all, it’s a good day.
Favorite part: "I don't know Spanish." :)